Home Finanace & Planning Managing Pain and Swelling Before a Dental Visit
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Managing Pain and Swelling Before a Dental Visit

It can be very uncomfortable to experience dental pain and swelling. This occurs due to underlying issues such as cavities, infections and gum disease. It is important to seek professional care for this but until you get to the appointment, there are some things you can do to manage pain and swelling.

You need to contact SD Dental Cleveland when you experience dental pain and swelling that persists. But after you place an appointment, you will have to wait a little until the date. To manage your pain in the interim, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers. There are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can help reduce inflammation and pain. But if you are not sure what to take, you can contact the dental office for some recommendations. You need to follow the instructions on the package when you take a medication. Sometimes, there can be other medications that you take or you may have pre-existing conditions. In this case, you will need to consult with a healthcare provider on what is appropriate for you. You can also apply a cold compress to the area that is affected so that swelling can be reduced. This will help numb the pain as well. You can wrap a few ice cubes in a cloth for this. There are also commercial cold packs that can be used. You can hold this in place for about 15 minutes and remove it for the same period of time. This process can be repeated a few times a day. Swelling will go down becauseblood vessels contract because of the cold.

A warm saltwater rinse can also be used to manage dental pain and swelling.

Saltwater has natural antiseptic properties that helps to reduce inflammation and it will also promote healing. You can dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water to make this. You need to swish this solution in your mouth for half a minute and then spit this out. You can repeat this a few times a day so that your mouth can be clean. It will also reduce discomfort. Clove oil is another home remedy that is used because of its anti-inflammatory properties. The active compound in clove oil is eugenol and this will numb the affected area and bring the swelling down. You can soak a cotton ball with clove oil and have it applied to the painful area.

When sleeping, you need to keep your head elevated as it will reduce swelling.

You need to prop your head with an extra pillow so that blood will be prevented from pooling in the affected area. This can help manage discomfort especially at night. You have to avoid eating chewy, hard or crunchy food as well because this will make the pain and swelling worse. Until you get seen by a dental professional, you need to stick to food that is easier to chew like mashed potatoes, yoghurt, scrambled eggs etc. Food that is too hot or cold can trigger discomfort and sensitivity as well.